Microsoft has confirmed that it is working on a new version of Internet Explorer. Among the features in development are the Media Capture API, that lets Web content manipulate audio and video streams from microphones and webcams, the HTTP/2 protocol, currently being developed by IETF, and Web Audio, an API that lets JavaScript process and synthesize audio. […]
Quest Visual, the maker of the incredible Word Lens app, posted on its website that it has been acquired by Google. Quotes from wordlens website With Word Lens, we’ve seen the beginnings of what’s possible when we harness the power of mobile devices to “see the world in your language.” By joining Google, we can incorporate Quest […]
Motorola has made MOTO E boot loader unlock option official. MOTO E has popped up in Bootloader unlock program supported list. Bootloader is a little bit of code that tells your device’s operating system how to boot up. If you are a developer, unlocking the bootloader will allow you to […]
Android secret codes
Here are the list of Samsung and HTC android phone codes SAMSUNG CODES Description *#*#4636#*#* Displays Phone information, Battery information , Usage Statistics, Wifi Information *#*#7780#*#* Restting your phone to factory state-Only deletes application data and applications *2767*3855# It’s a complete wiping of your mobile also it reinstalls the phones firmware *#*#34971539#*#* Shows completes […]
Telnet is a network protocol, used to provide bi-directional text-oriented communication facility. Note: Telnet in is insecure protocol and it is recommended that you use ssh server. WARNING! Installing telnet on your server makes the server open to an un-encrytpted communications, it’s not recommended to use telnet, use Secure (SSH). Telnet Server installation In Debian/Ubuntu user@techinx$ […]
Endurance Test: Performing a long run load test and finding the performance bottleneck of the given server is called Endurance Test. Often in performance testing testers would face the following 2 scenarios, 1) Running single testplan for more than 8 hours 2) Running Multiple testplans one after another for more than 8 hours or overnight (without […]
Sometimes it is necessary for the load test to send a Linux command to verify the content/file exists in the remote Linux server. Every time it is not a fair idea to connect remote server by file server browsers like WinSCP, putty etc… as it is a load test. In such situations, JMETER offers a […]
There was an issue, with IBM installation manager not able to install or start in RHEL 6.* series. This issue is fixed by IBM and is available in Fix central for download. The fix name is agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_1.6.0.20120831_1216. If you are using the old IBM installation manager, during install you may face errors like this. [root@rhel64]# ./install […]
How to use proxy server from Linux terminal
In Linux/Unix there is an environment variable called “http_proxy” which can be configured for text based internet sessions. This variable is used by wget, curl, lynx etc. How to set http_proxy variable Type the following command to set proxy server #export http_proxy= How to set the http_proxy variable globally #vi /etc/profile add the following lines. #export […]
What’s WSDL?
Web Service Definition Language in short WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure oriented information. WSDL is a XML document written to describe a web service. It specifies the location of the web service and the operations or methods the […]