Performance Testing

Load testing with silkperformer: An overview

Reports Generation:


Silk Performer offers several approaches to displaying, reporting, and analyzing test results. Defined measurements take place during tests and can be displayed in a variety of graphical and tabular forms. Options include the following:

  • Performance Explorer: This is the primary tool used for viewing test results. A fully comprehensive array of graphic features displays the results in user-defined graphs with as many elements as are required. The results of different tests can be compared. There are extensive features for server monitoring. A comprehensive HTML based overview report that combines user type statistics with time series test result information is also available.
  • TrueLog On Error: Silk Performer provides full visual verification under load capabilities for various application types. It allows you to combine extensive content verification checks with full error drill-down analysis during load tests.
  • Virtual User Report files: When enabled, these files contain the simulation results for each user. Details of the measurements for each individual user are presented in tabular form.
  • Virtual User Output files: When enabled, these files contain the output of write statements used in test scripts.
  • Baseline Reports: A detailed XML/XSL-based report that provides you with a summary table, transaction response-time details, timers for all accessed HTML pages, Web forms, and errors that occurred. This information is available for all user types involved in baseline tests.
  • Silk Central Reports: Silk Performer projects can be integrated into Silk Central (Silk Central) test plans and directly executed from Silk Central. This allows for powerful test-result analysis and reporting. For detailed information on Silk Central reporting, refer to Silk Central Help.

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