
Load Testing Apache kafka using Kafkameter

You can refer overview of Kafka here . For Installation and configuring Kafka , refer the previous post : Configuring Apache Kafka

Step 1

Go to githup and download kafkameter

Step 2

Follow the Steps for building the kafkameter.jar

Step 3

Place the generated jar in $JMETER_HOME/lib/ext folder

Step 4

Restart jmeter

Step 5

Add Threadgroup->Samplers-> Javarequest

Step 6

Configure Input parameters, like hostname , kafka topic that you created already

Step 7

Run Jmeter test and verify the same message is consumed by Kafka consumer.

Refer the below screenshots



Kafka Parameters


Sending message to Kafka Consumer


Message Consumed

8 replies on “Load Testing Apache kafka using Kafkameter”

I have worked with this Jmeter jar file (KafkaProducer.Sampler). Using this I was able to publish the message to the Topic but now..

I am trying to find the Jmeter jar file (for KafkaConsumer), which will help me consume the message from the Topic.
Is there an existing jar available

I am not pretty sure about that it is available in jmeter. I searched for the same and ended up in developing our own.

According to step 7 above, how could I generate another class name to be appeared in the drop down for a Java Request ?

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