Installation of XML: SIMPLE:
Install XML:SIMPLE using the command apt-get install XML:SIMPLE
Restart tomcats:
cd /opt/tomcat1/bin/
sudo ./apachectl restart
This the procedure for monitoring two tomcat servers tomcat1 and tomcat2 and the server itself
Adding client for monitoring:
Install munin-node in the client machine
sudo apt-get install munin-node
Go to /etc/munin/ and edit the munin-node.conf file
Below log_file /var/log/munin/munin-node.log
Add the following lines
Port 4949
host *
host_name myhost (add this t below #host_name localhost)
And Finally add
allow ^$ (This is the ip-address of the server)
(This is required to allow the server to contact the client. You can see the default local host specified as allow ^$)
Client side configuration has been completed now.
Editing munin.conf in the server to allow the client to be monitored:
Go to /etc/munin/ and edit munin.conf
We have to add all client machines list under # a simple host tree
#a simple host tree
[localhost.localdomain] [this will be default]
use_node_name yes
username [adding client, this is our client we have mentioned in muninode.conf]
address serverip
use_node_name yes
After entering all the client machine details you need to the following command to take the effect of our new changes effect.
sudo /usr/share/munin/munin-update –force-root
Restart munin-node:
cd /etc/init.d
sudo ./munin-node restart
Thus now the server is ready to produce the graphs for localhost with two tomat servers and client machine
Maintenance: Munin
Graphs can be captured in the following URL
http://hostname of the server/munin
For our application, the URL is
Please read this link for installation help on other OS platforms<>/a